Sunday, February 19, 2012

Free to Be!

Mardi Gras is here and there is soooo much excitement in the air. I remember when I was little, I really loved Mardi Gras because of all the colors and lights and sounds and people. Just everything about it. What I really remember the most was that as kids you could almost get away with anything. Grownups weren't always saying "stop, stop, stop." We Were free to be , I kids. Laugh, jump, flip, scream (to the top of your lungs) and it was all good. AND this went on for at least 2 weeks straight!
This year for Mardi Gras, I just feel like freedom is in the air, just to "be" And I'm taking advantage of it. I want to scream, laugh, jump up and down and even run. Yes, really I was running trying to catch up with one of my favorite bands. Nobody cares, nobody even thinks its odd. We're just having fun!

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